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Joe and Jennifer Dawson, Co-Chairs Pledge Drive 2024

Trinity is asking for a pledge.

How much should I commit to give for 2025?

The first – and most important – answer to the question is to consider prayerfully what you are able to give. No one knows your personal circumstances better than you do, nor does anyone comprehend what your relationship is with Jesus and his church. We also want to acknowledge that people often have other important philanthropic interests. Every household has some idea what their total giving to charity could be on an annual basis – to the church, their alma mater, Heart Association, Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy, NPR.

Having said this, some people find it helpful to think of their pledge as a percentage of their income. (And if you wonder whether we mean your net or your gross income – you get to choose!) The fact is that everyone who gives money to the church already gives a proportion of their income – they just aren’t aware of it. We think it’s better to know the percentage so you can actively think in such terms.

Let’s say that you earned $50,000 in 2024 and gave $1,000 to Trinity. Your pledge would be 2% of your income. Let’s take it a step further and say you received a healthy $10,000 raise, so your income for 2025 will be $60,000. If you sustained your giving at 2% of your income, your pledge will be $1,200. Of course, if your income decreases, proportional giving means that your pledge will decrease.

Here’s a handy chart that provides the information you need to determine what percentage of your income you are now pledging to Trinity. Can you sustain your gift at the same proportional level in 2025 – or, consider increasing your pledge by 1% of your income. Just find your income, and the block of your weekly gift, and move one block to the right!


Topic: How Can We Disagree Without Being Disagreeable?

The President of the United States is often considered the most powerful individual on the planet and the leader of the free world. Therefore, it’s no surprise that the election of this leader, which occurs every four years, occasionally results in soaring political tensions, allegations of fraud, and even provokes violence.

Not surprisingly, several presidential elections among the fifty-nine we’ve had so far have been especially bitter and contentious. This year’s election will likely go down in history as one of the most divisive in U.S. history. Much of the harsh rhetoric is taking place at a national or regional level. However, some of it is taking place among friends and families.

Join Trinity’s Director of Community Engagement, George Benson, this week as our series about faith and civic life continues. We’ll be wrestling with questions such as “How can we disagree without being disagreeable?” and “What do we do when we disagree with family members or with friends with whom we thought we shared values?” George will share thoughts from his own training with the College for Congregational Development, from the Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations’ Civil Discourse Curriculum, and from John Inazu's 2024 book, Learning to Disagree. Adult Formation meets in the sanctuary shortly after the 10:00 am service.


November 10 - Sign Up!

Trinity's First Annual Family Friendly Trick-or-Treating Musical Extravaganza! There will be trick-or-treating, a costume parade, food, fun, crafts, and best of all, a musical sing-along! Families and Kids of all ages are welcome and wanted! October 15th 2024 7:00 pm.
Interested in volunteering for this event? Want to help pass out candy, find food, and decorate? Email to sign up! 


Nominating Committee formed & receiving names


Trinity’s Nominating Committee has now been formed with the responsibility for presenting a list of three persons who are willing to stand for election to the Vestry at the Annual Meeting of the parish in late January.

The members of the Nominating Committee are Donna Steppe (Senior Warden,) Karen Johnson-Webb, and Kelly Termin. They are eager to speak to any communicant member in good standing of Trinity who might be interested in serving on Trinity’s vestry.

In the Episcopal Church, a vestry is a group of people who, with the rector, govern the parish. Vestry responsibilities include:

  • Leadership: Overseeing the parish's mission and ministry, and sharing leadership with the rector

  • Management: Managing the parish's finances, property, and human resources

  • Advisory: Serving as an advisory council to the rector

  • Representation: Serving as the legal representative of the parish for matters related to its property and relations with the clergy

Trinity’s Vestry is comprised of nine (9) persons. Each person serves a three-year term and may be elected to a second three-year term after which they must take a year’s hiatus before serving again.

The current members of the Vestry and their terms are:

Class 2022-2025

1. Donna Steppe (second term)

2. Dennis Degnan (second term)

3. Karen Keune (first term)

Class 2023-2026 

1. Jeffrey Albright (second term)

2. Jamie Paul (second term)

3. Kyle Grefe (fulfilling Leah Reed’s second term)

Class 2024-2027

1.  Gary Franklin (second term)

2.  Kimberly Kefalas-Siu (first term)

3.  Becky Koskinen (second term)

All three members of the Nominating Committee may be contacted in-person on Sunday mornings or you may email to express your interest in being considered.



The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church lists four days during the church year when having baptisms is especially appropriate. The next one of those days is coming soon – All Saints' Sunday: November 3.

Trinity’s tradition – and the norm throughout the church – is to hold baptisms during regularly-scheduled Sunday services.

In the Episcopal Church, we baptize persons only once, since baptism is the rite of initiation – the starting point for Christian discipleship.

If you have a child you would like to present for baptism, or if you yourself would like to be baptized, please contact the Parish Office right away – or (419) 243-1231. Our interim rector, Stephen Applegate, will be in touch to schedule a time to prepare for this sacrament.- one of two instituted by Jesus himself.


Head on over to the website or sign up here for one Autumn pop-up dinner of your choosing! Remember, just one- make sure we keep room for everyone at the tables!! :)


Volunteer for 10/22


On the third Thursday of each month, Trinity supplies the vendors of Toledo Streets Newspaper (TSN) with a buffet lunch! And we need YOUR help! Trinity will purchase the food but we will need 4-6 volunteers to help prepare the meal deliver it to the TSN Office. 

Volunteer for 10/17



Did you know that Trinity has an active prayer list? If you’d like prayers for yourself or for someone you know, you can request them by contacting the Trinity office ( or 419-243-1231) or our interim rector, Stephen Applegate (in person or via email at

At the moment, all prayer requests are shared only with a small intercessory prayer group who, along with parish clergy, offer recurring prayers for each request. This is not a closed group. If you want to join Trinity parishioners who’ve committed to the practice of regularly praying for others, ask Stephen about joining the prayer team.

When a request is received, it remains on the prayer list for four weeks before it’s taken off. Requests can always be renewed or submitted again. However, having an “expiration date” will prevent the list from overflowing with prayer requests that are out of date.


Trinity@Home is now a live-stream of Trinity’s 10:00 am in-person service with an interactive chat.


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