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Pentecost (or Whitsunday)

Dear Friends,

The Great 50 Days of Easter come to an end this Sunday when we celebrate Pentecost. Actually, this Sunday has two names. In addition to Pentecost, this Sunday is also known as Whitsunday. Not surprisingly, the name is a contraction of “White Sunday,” a name that derives from the white garments worn by those who were being baptized on that Sunday.

Pentecost, or Whitsunday, is one of the five great baptismal days recommended in The Book of Common Prayer. From the second century on, Pentecost was a time for baptizing those who had been prepared but who, for some reason, had not been baptized at Easter.

We’ll celebrate a baptism here at Trinity this Sunday as Ariel Grube, an adult member of our choir, undergoes the central liturgy of Christian community. As a way of underscoring the centrality of community, she has asked the choir to be her sponsors!

Ariel has chosen to be baptized by immersion, so this will be the first time in several years that the baptismal pool at the entrance to the church will be put to use. Although it’s unusual in the Episcopal Church for a person to be baptized by immersion, it’s the norm in many other Christian communities. The traditional American song, “I went down in the river to pray . . “ made famous by the move, “O Brother, where art thou?”, is often sung at outdoor full-immersion baptisms for obvious reasons.

That immersion baptism has a long history in our own church is borne out by the fact that the rubrics (or instructions) for performing a baptism give immersion as the first option: “Each candidate is presented by name to the Celebrant, or to an assisting priest or deacon, who then immerses, or pours water upon, the candidate . . .”

The connection between water and the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost goes all the way back to something Jesus said in the Gospel according to John, “"Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, `Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water.'" John immediately explains the meaning of Jesus’ words this way, “Now he said this about the Spirit, which believers in him were to receive.”

I hope that you will be present on Sunday to witness this very special baptism and that you will pray for Ariel and for all those who long for a deeper relationship with our gracious and loving God. If you can’t find the right words to pray, here are some you might use:

O God, you have created all things by the power of your Word, and you renew the earth by your Spirit: Give now the water of life to those who thirst for you, that they may bring forth abundant fruit in your glorious kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

And, yes, Ariel will be wearing a white robe for her baptism – it is Whitsunday, after all! Let me encourage you to dress for the occasion, too. Wear red in honor of the “tongues, as of fire” that appeared among the disciples when the Day of Pentecost came all those years ago in Jerusalem. No matter what you decide to wear, it will be a festive day!


Stephen Applegate


Saturday, May 18 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon

Coffee and donuts available beginning at 8:00 a.m.

We will unload 100 bags of soil and compost and 20 bags of mulch from a delivery truck, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Then, we will use wheelbarrows to take the bags up to the plaza in the parking garage elevator, or some strong souls might carry bags up the steps. We'll dump out all of the bags of soil into the one bed that has been weeded, and it will be ready for planting. For weed suppression, we covered three beds with tarps last Saturday, and we'll cover the remaining three beds with tarps this Saturday. If enough people come to help, we may be able to begin planting some native perennial plants this Saturday. If you have a wheelbarrow, squeeze it in the car before you come. And if you only have an hour to give - we will gladly take that hour!

Trinity’s mobile pantry is one of 8 monthly food pantries in Toledo/SE Michigan area.

We will host the next Food Pantry in partnership with Food For Thought on
Tuesday, May 28th.

Volunteer Now!

On June 11 at 6:30pm on our plaza, Trinity musicians and our community partner Equality Toledo’s Community Action group will come together for an unforgettable night. There will be music, education on Ohio House Bills that negatively affect the LGBTQIA+ community, and much more! Stay tuned for more information on this incredible time. Questions? Contact Trinity’s Director of Community Engagement George Benson 


May 19

Perhaps you are new here at Trinity. Or maybe you have been coming for a while but still have lots of questions about what this “Episcopal” church is all about. If you’d like a deeper understanding of who we are and why we do what we do, then Episcopal 101 is for you!

Our Interim Rector, Stephen Applegate, will hold Episcopal 101 sessions on three consecutive Sundays in the Walbridge Room on the 1st floor of the Parish House following the 10:00 am service.

Sign Up Link:


Launches in August – An Opportunity to Learn & Grow

The Diocese of Ohio is launching its College for Congregational Development (CCD) program in August. The first session – known as Year A – of the two-year training begins at 5:00 pm on Sunday, August 11 and concludes with lunch on Friday, August 16. The College for Congregational Development will take place at Bellwether Farm in Wakeman, Ohio. The cost is $850.00 for a single-occupancy room, all meals and snacks, trainers, curriculum, etc. The Diocese of Ohio has partial scholarships available, as does Trinity through its special funds.

Ideally, Trinity would have a congregational team go to the program together, but it is not required. If a team attends, each member of a team is responsible for their own full participation in all the elements of the College.

If you are interested, please contact Trinity’s Interim Rector, Stephen Applegate, who heartily endorses this program. George Benson, our Director of Community Engagement, is also the co-director of CCD and can provide additional information. Because space is extremely limited, please act quickly if you believe God is calling you to attend.


Sunday, June 9 at 6:30pm via Zoom

Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon

A gripping historical mystery inspired by the life and diary of Martha Ballard, a renowned 18th-century midwife who defied the legal system and wrote herself into American history.

Sign Up Here



It's a Funday on Father's Day with the West Mission Area of the Diocese of Ohio, Bishop Jolly, and the Toledo Mudhens. Tickets include ballpark entry, seat, food, and drinks (excluding alcohol). The party is in The Nest. With Fifth Third Field as the backdrop, this prime outdoor party deck is located on the ballpark's second level above the right field line. The Nest provides a great view of the Mud Hens game.

The game on June 16 is against the Omaha Storm Chasers. Bishop Jolly, diocesan staff members, and their families will join us for a great day. Episcopalians across the diocese are invited to come cheer for the Mudhens. Here are the details:

Date:   Sunday, June 16, 2024

Time:  2:05pm - 6:00pm

Location:  Fifth Third Field, 406 Washington St., Toledo, OH 43604

To sign up and purchase tickets, go to

Tickets are $28 each. The deadline for purchase is Sunday, May 19. Tickets will be distributed by email after the May 19 deadline. After the deadline, fans may certainly purchase game tickets directly from the Mudhens. You may join us in The Nest, but your seat will be elsewhere, and you won't receive a wristband for the buffet. 

In case of a rain out, the Mudhens will move our party indoors. The food is prepared and served.   Participants on site will receive a voucher for another game on their own. 

The buffet will run for 90 minutes from 1:45 to 3:15. The menu is: Grilled Hot Dogs, Grilled Hamburgers, Mac & Cheese, Tossed Salad, Lay's Potato Chips, assorted cookies, assorted can Pepsi products, & bottled water. 


Trinity@Home is now a live-stream of Trinity’s 10:00 am in-person service with an interactive chat.