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So it goes…

Dear Friends,

On Wednesday of this week, our son, Peter, sent photos of his sons on their first day of school. Edward and Sammy started sixth and third grades respectively in the Worthington City School District located just north of Columbus. Their cousins – also our grandchildren – live in New York where school begins after Labor Day (the time of year, in my opinion, when school should start. I suspect my having grown up in Upstate New York influences my opinion about this matter.)

Back-to-school pictures have been popping up in my Facebook feed ever since the beginning of August when schools in Indiana kicked off the 2024-2025 school year. Because I began to serve as interim at St. Christopher’s, Carmel in 2017, the little children I knew then aren’t little anymore. Elementary school kids are now in high school, and high school students have already graduated from college. As Kurt Vonnegut wrote, “So it goes.”

The start of this year’s school year feels different from others for me. You see, I’ve always had someone in our house heading back – my wife, Terry. Her retirement last May has changed the usual rhythm. The advent of August always used to bring a flurry of activity, and although Terry doesn’t seem to miss the tasks of ordering supplies, prepping her room, and making name tags for her first graders, I do.

So, it’s probably a good thing Trinity’s “program year” begins in early September. Its arrival mitigates the loss of my going back to school, even if my “going back” was vicarious. I’m grateful there’s a similar feeling of anticipation and excitement in the parish as various committees and your staff gear up for the start of the fall “term.”

With PRIDE only a week away, most of the time and energy recently has gone to ensuring Trinity’s celebration of our LGBTQIA+ siblings is beautiful and joyful. This issue of Topics contains information on all the ways to participate and, especially, to volunteer (see below)!

Then it’s Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer. How can that be already? Many enjoy the long weekend with trips to the beach or pool and cookouts. We’ll still have church on September 1 – and feel free to come in summer casual attire!

Then the pace quickens on Adams Street! Here’s a preview of what’s in store:

  • Saturday, September 7 – Safe Church Training will be offered in person at Trinity from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm. Sadly, both child and adult sexual abuse happens in churches. Safe Church Training gives church members the tools to recognize and reduce the likelihood of such abuse occurring. The training is mandatory in the Episcopal Church for the clergy, for those who work with children, and for others in leadership positions. Sign up for the class below.
  • Sunday, September 8 – “Welcome Back Sunday!” Trinity will welcome Mariachi Mexico 2020 – a terrific mariachi band from Detroit – who will play during the service and at the fiesta afterwards. Trinity’s Choir will be back after their summer hiatus. Plan to join us for a morning of great music and celebration. It’s a good way to kick off national Hispanic Heritage Month when, starting September 15, the history, heritage, and accomplishments of Hispanic and Latino Americans of past and present takes center stage. There’ll also be a photographer taking “School Pictures” as we populate the parish’s database with photos to help the new rector get to know us better.
  • Sunday, September 15 – Sunday School classes begin for children where families meet the teachers at the beginning of worship in the sanctuary. After a game, a Bible story, a craft related to the story, and a snack, kids return to the sanctuary to join their families for Holy Communion. For more information contact George Benson, Director of Community Engagement.
  • Also on Sunday, September 15 – we begin our fall adult formation offering: “Prepping for Election Day 2024.” What is the relationship between faith and citizenship? What is a Christian’s responsibility as a citizen? What do I need to know about voting? Is American Civil Religion the same as Christian Nationalism? How can we disagree without being disagreeable? What spiritual disciplines can we practice as we approach Election Day on November 5?

Mark your calendars now and be thinking of someone you might invite to join you in one or more of these activities. It’s not back-to-school; it’s Welcome Back! I hope you’re looking forward to it as much as I am.


Stephen Applegate

Sign up here:


This week, our own Grace Mauk is attending Victor Wooten's "Spirit of Music" camp located in the mountains of Tennessee. She is attending workshops on meditation, sound healing, and songwriting, with world-class musicians and physicians. If you’re unfamiliar with Victor Wooten’s work, check out his arrangement of “Amazing Grace” here:  Ever grateful for the continuing education opportunity Trinity's Reycraft legacy gift affords our staff and Rector, Grace will return with a full heart!


Get ready to grab your folder and a fresh pencil because the choir is BACK! Our first rehearsal of the 2024-2025 Choir Season is Thursday, September 5th 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. And, we are always looking for new members! Do you have a song to sing? Have you wanted to try choir but don't quite have the courage?  Email Chelsie at to see if the choir could be your next best experience! Because we are a proud multigenerational group, membership to the choir requires a pitch-matching test and a successful background check. 


T-Shirts - Order Deadline: August 11 at midnight It’s that time of the year again when we stand out in Pride with our incredible t-shirts! Self-ordering is available at Jūpmode’s website which  you can access by clicking here. Cut off for ordering is 8/11 at midnight, and we will be handing them out after service by the Columbarium on Sunday 8/18. The colors you can choose from are light blue, light pink, and white to support our trans siblings. Shirts are $23.35 and come in infant to adult sizes. If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Community Engagement at

Pride Kick-Off Family Picnic - Friday, August 23 5:30-7:30pm Join us for food, crafts, music, face-painting, story time for the kids, and much more. This year's picnic will be a potluck, so if you are able; bring a side dish to share. Hot dogs and condiments will be provided along with lemonade and water.

Sign up here for a beautiful evening on our plaza!

Pride Saturday - Parade Marchers sign up here

Promenade Booth - Come represent Trinity and pass out swag and love on people at Promenade Park

Hospitality at 316 Adams - Come help swing open our doors to all who need a place to cool off, use bathrooms or need cold water from 10a - 3pm


Through August 18 we are asking for donations of 8oz water bottles and hard candy for Pride! You can drop them off at our “drop off station” by the columbarium. PLEASE, no chocolate as it tends to melt in the August sun. Any chocolate donated will be considered a tithe for our Director of Operations. If you have any questions please contact our Director of Community Engagement through email at,


2nd Annual Communities Against Violence March and Unity Day

Saturday, August 17 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Smith Park, 998 Dorr St.  Free, open to all.  Sign up here. Sponsored by Sisters 4 Unity. Contact them at 567-215-0045 or


Book clubbers! We’re taking a bit of a hiatus for July and August but add this to the late summer reading list so it’s fresh in your mind for discussion on September 8.

(*Our library has print, ebook and audio copies.)

Sign Up Here


Grab a snack at coffee hour and join us in the Walbridge Room as we begin to explore who Jesus is, using Diana Butler Bass’ book Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way, and Presence as a springboard. (Here is a video of the author introducing the book if you’d like to learn more.)

These discussions are open to everyone, whether you have read the book or not, whether you can attend all the sessions or not, whether you know who Jesus is to you or you have no clue. Here are some questions to ponder for this week (Jesus as teacher; Jesus as friend):

  • What has been your understanding of Jesus throughout your life? How have you seen that change over the years?
  • “Jesus calls us friends. God reaches toward us, not as a fearsome master or judge, but a friend, beckoning us to reach back” (p. 16 of the book). Do you view Jesus as a friend of yours? Why or why not?
  • Which of the teachings of Jesus is most compelling or attractive to you? Which teaching is most challenging or frustrating? Why?

The rough schedule for the rest of the sessions:

August 18: Jesus as Way

August 25: Jesus as Presence

September 1: Bonus session:  The Universal Jesus

If you have any questions, contact facilitators Jolene Miller and Amy Saylor. Bring your questions, we’ll bring ours!


Sunday, August 18 1:00-3:00 p.m. Epworth United Methodist Church, 4855 Central Ave. Presentation of the City of Toledo’s Comprehensive Plan for Neighborhood Safety
Malcolm Cunningham
, Director of the  Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety & Engagement (MONSE), will provide an overview of the City of Toledo's new Comprehensive Plan for Neighborhood Safety. Malcolm will host an interactive forum after the plan presentation. Many people from the community have been working on this plan over the past year, and it is bearing fruit in reducing gun violence. Come learn about the positive steps our community is taking! Free, open to all. Sign up here.

Download information flyer here.

Diocesan Office for Mission Peace and Justice

Click here for the resources page.



Did you know that Trinity has an active prayer list? If you’d like prayers for yourself or for someone you know, you can request them by contacting the Trinity office ( or 419-243-1231) or our interim rector, Stephen Applegate (in person or via email at

At the moment, all prayer requests are shared only with a small intercessory prayer group who, along with parish clergy, offer recurring prayers for each request. This is not a closed group. If you want to join Trinity parishioners who’ve committed to the practice of regularly praying for others, ask Stephen about joining the prayer team.

When a request is received, it remains on the prayer list for four weeks before it’s taken off. Requests can always be renewed or submitted again. However, having an “expiration date” will prevent the list from overflowing with prayer requests that are out of date.


Trinity@Home is now a live-stream of Trinity’s 10:00 am in-person service with an interactive chat.


St. Paul’s Cathedral in Victoria, Australia, to be site of prayer vigil for refugees

[The Melbourne Anglican] Christians will be asked to pray for an end to cruelty to refugees, including those left in Papua New Guinea and Nauru, at an Aug. 16 vigil […]

Mennonite-Anglican Ecumenical Dialogue in Canada continues conversations

[Anglican Church of Canada] The most recent meeting of the Mennonite-Anglican Dialogue in Canada took place earlier this summer in Winnipeg. The Mennonite-Anglican Dialogue in Canada was created in 2017 […]

New York youth embark on Jonathan Daniels pilgrimage, visit historic Civil Rights’ sites

[Episcopal News Service – Hayneville, Alabama] Angel Williams, a 15-year-old from New York City, thought she already knew a lot about the Civil Rights Movement from her high school U.S. […]

World Council of Churches releases media briefing on digital visit to the Holy Land

[World Council of Churches] The World Council of Churches, accompanied by partners from the Middle East Council of Churches, ACT Alliance and Caritas Internationalis, released a video media briefing on […]